From 6 June 2024, travelers at Frankfurt am Main Airport long-distance train station will encounter the unexpected: “Immaterial” is the title of the over five-metre-high sculpture by Andreas Schmitten, which will be erected at the site on permanent loan. In the midst of the hustle and bustle at one of Germany's busiest train stations, the figure does not close its eyes to its surroundings, but with its seemingly supernatural calm invites each of the thousands of daily travelers to enter into a dialogue and pause for a moment in the restless environment. To date, Andreas Schmitten's works have been exhibited exclusively in galleries and museums. The installation of “Immaterielles” in public space is an absolute novelty and places the work in a new context.
Andreas Schmitten, process image of the sculpture “IMMATERIELLES” by Andreas Schmitten, Photo: Andreas Fechner
The sculpture “Immaterielles” by Andreas Schmitten continues the cultural series “Station to Station”, whose program in the field of fine arts is realized by the Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur e.V. in cooperation with Deutsche Bahn and on the initiative of the Federal Government.
Frankfurt Airport Long-distance Train Station | Level 3
Hugo-Eckener-Ring, 60549 | Frankfurt am Main
Further information: Station to Station