Since our company was founded almost 40 years ago, the following guiding principles have shaped our corporate philosophy. They are both a mindset and a commitment.


Our business is a family business. That makes us independent.

We think in generations, not quarterly figures.

We are entrepreneurs, not administrators.

We don't tell what to do, we show how to do it.

We implement according to the rules of art.

We have the courage to take risks where others may shy away.

We always go the extra mile - for 110% quality.

Reputation stands over growth.

Respect, appreciation and tolerance for everyone.

Ownership is an obligation - today and tomorrow.

Thomas Schütte | 2012

DAS WIE AM WAS: Seeing the new is a highly complex process. As a rule, we only see what we know and only what corresponds to our previous knowledge seems real to us. If we allow the artist to entice us to take a closer look not only at what we already know, but also at what is unfamiliar, then we will be led beyond the familiar reality to something new.