11. July 2024 Business news

CHIO Aachen - the Wimbledon of the equestrian sport

For many years, the Droege Group has been a loyal partner of the CHIO Aachen - one of the most important equestrian events in the world, which is considered the “Wimbledon of equestrian sport”.

In 2024, the CHIO not only once again offered first-class sport at the very highest level, but was also able to celebrate 100 years of tournament history at the Aachen Soers. In keeping with this special occasion, Aachen was once again the meeting place for international equestrian sport: 330 riders, 1,000 horses, more than 100 hours of sport, almost 4 million euros in prize money - these are the impressive figures behind the CHIO 2024. However, the many emotional moments and the enriching encounters and conversations will be remembered just as impressively.

In this video you will find a short review of the CHIO Aachen 2024: